Tuesday 25 January 2011


Before creating our trailer, we decided to design a storyboard to give us some idea and direction to take. We created a collection of images of the certain shots and scenes that will aim to capture.

Tuesday 11 January 2011


As part of our research we needed to find certain locations to shot our trailer. We need to make sure that the locations we chose create the right atmosphere and mood that connects with the thriller genre. Certain shots that we need require a particular surroundng, for example an office, therefore we can borrow an office with our school which will already have everything to make it look like an office.
We decided to use surrounding urban areas within our community for our main locations, as well as a few parts of our scool.

A typical setting for a thriller is usually set in a city. This is to connote the business of a thriller movie and also reflects on to the characters used in a thriller as they are usually business men or women. The design of this building shows how our thriller movie and settings are modern and also how our characters are modern.

This shot of the stairs show minimalistic of a set and represent the maize of the chase.